This post dates back to 8th August, 2012.

Myself, Vineeth Jose (Twitter mate) and his friend Anish Ravindranathan went for a North Kerala trip before two weeks. Traveled around 2000 kms in 6 days. Covered 9 districts out of the 14 in Kerala. 8 beaches from 3 districts. 2 valleys. 1 historical monument. 1 waterfall. 2 other famous spots. Two small issues with the police and last but not the least, a minor accident. We only had a rough plan about the whole trip. Start on a specific date, cover 3 districts as well as some 3-4 beaches. The trip’s main intention was to do long exposure photography and it was totally worth it.

The story behind.

Reached Muzhappilangad beach by 5.45 PM. Was totally driven away by the beauty of it. Drove to the almost end of the beach and started taking photos. It took almost 45 minutes to compose the frame which I wanted. Started shooting by the time of sunset and it lasted till 7.45 PM. Got drenched up to my ass. I’d a pre-visualized shot in mind and thought of trying it out. Vineeth Jose drove his car to the extreme point of the shore and parked it with all the lights on. Did an exposure of 5 minutes but I got a blurred shot as my tripod wasn’t strong enough to survive through the waves. Did a second try, and that too, was a failure. I thought of giving a last try and started off. The first few seconds passed and we saw a jeep nearing us from behind. As it came closer, we realized that it’s a police jeep. They called Vineeth Jose and Anish. Told them that I was doing photography with the car as a subject. The policeman asked us to take the car off the shore as there are chances of it getting sunk. As I saw Vineeth walking into the frame, I stopped the exposure and walked towards the car to get into it. We then realized that the front wheels were already sunk to its almost half. We tried pushing the car, but it was of no use.

With a doubt of getting a positive response, we approached the policemen for help. To our surprise, all the 6 of them, including the SI, agreed to help us. The SI told us to lift the car from one side and fill in the space with sand. Though ours was a Maruti 800, it was tough to lift it. But still, we somehow made it. Did the same trick on the other side too. One among them got into the driver’s seat and took the car in reverse. VOILA – We’ve made it!

We asked them whether we need to do some *favor* or not. There again, they amused us by refusing the offer and asked us to clear off the scene asap.

Respect to those policemen who had helped us. It’d proved that not every cop is rude and are very much helpful at crucial times. None of us will never forget this incident for sure.

P.S: Two days prior to this incident, at Kava, Palghat, we had helped two guys get their Maruti Swift out of a mud dip. It might be a co-incidence, but I believe that there is some invisible power/spirit behind everything – I’d like to call it Karma. I’ve felt this before too, but this is something huge and worth a mention.

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